Connect your WooCommerce store to the Spiff Editor and allow customers access to Spiff Workflows to personalise their products.
The Spiff Connect plugin allows you to use Spiff with WooCommerce.
Spiff allows you to visually personalise products in 2D and 3D.
Being able to visualize the finished, personalised product to your customer prior to purchase is a powerful way of reducing pre-purchase risk perceptions and therefore cart abandonment.
Using 3D, customers can interact with your products using the mouse (desktop) or fingers (mobile).
Spiff takes 3D product renders to the next level, allowing you to dynamically personalise the product in real-time.
This is especially useful if your store offers products which have customization and personalization options. In these cases, in the past, it has been difficult to visually represent these products to the customer.
A further extension to this capability is the AR functionality of the Spiff app where the personalised product can activate an AR experience using the Spiff native mobile phone app.
Installing the Spiff Connect WordPress Plugin
Click here to access the WordPress Spiff Connect plugin whilst logged into your WordPress site admin account.
Install the plugin onto your site and activate the plugin.
Once you have completed your install it is time to create an account on the SpiffCommerce hub which you will link to your spiff wordpress plugin.
Create an Account on SpiffCommerce
Spiffcommerce is a very powerful system that supports multiple integrations within the one SpiffCommerce account. For this reason we don’t automatically link the installation of the plugin to your WordPress/Woocommerce site.
Click the sign up button and follow the prompts to create a new user account

Complete your Form to qualify your account
The spiff system is a proprietary system and requires you to become qualified before you can gain access to the system.
You will be presented with a form to fill out which once submitted will be reviewed by the customer service team after which your account will be qualified.

Once qualified you now have access to the platform and you can begin your account setup.
Create your WordPress Integration
Once qualified, you are presented with the home screen.
Click on Partner then Integrations from the Navigation bar at the top of the screen or select the Create an Integration check box on he ‘Onboarding Process’ card and then select Create Integration

Click Create new integration

Name your integration and select WooCommerce from the Type drop down box

You have now successfully created your WordPress/Woocommerce integration you can now copy your key and secret and copy it into the SpiffConnect app

In the admin panel of your wordpress site, click on the spiff connect app towards the bottom of the Left hand navigation bar. Paste in your key and secret and then save. You will see that you also have the ability to configure the look and feel of the button which will appear on products that you link to spiff

Create a Spiff Product
Next you will need to create a spiff product to link to your wordpress integration.
Linking your Spiff Product to your WordPress/Woocommerce site.
Once you have created a product you will need to open the product details page in spiff and scroll down to the integrations card.

Once you select your integration you will be presented with this screen

Select Add and then save the page (top of screen)

Once you save you can click on the three dots against your new link in product integrations and then click copy integration ID

Then go back to your WordPress admin page, open the product you wish to link to and copy the integration id into the Spiff Integration Product ID box in your product details page. Dont forget to check the enable button once you have finished this process and save.

You have now successfully linked your product to spiff and its time to create and link the workflow/consumer experience to your spiff product.
Find out more about creating and linking workflow experiences.