Question Step

Question steps are a fantastic way to ask customers questions within workflows. These questions could be anything such as what size shoe they are after, how many pillows they want, or what gender a card they are designing is for, making it useful for both design related questions and even for upselling through adding things like “extras”.

The question step is especially helpful when used with conditions.
The selections the users make could conditionally control which steps are displayed and accessible afterwards. Maybe some customisations or personalisations are only available when a black leather material is selected, or when a wooden box is selected etc.

Adding Steps

Let’s start by adding our new step. Navigate to your desired workflow and choose a scene within, simply use the “Add Step+” button and select the “Question Step”. Add a name for your step in ‘General’, and once you have added an option with some variants, you can now save.

questionStep AddStep

Question Step Config

The Question Step features a unique configuration setting, the multiple-variant selection setting. This allows the user to select a variety of different answers to the question given. This is useful for cases in which you offer “Extras” to your products. You may offer a personalised bottle of wine, but want the user to select from some extras like “Gift Box”, “Chocolates”, “Bottle Ribbon”, or anything else. See more about step config and how to configure your steps here.

questionStep Config

Question Options

Aside from the standard ‘Options’ setup with variants, the options for any Question Step contains an extra settings for ‘Display Preference’. See more about Options, Shared Options, and how to create them here.

questionStep Options

Gallery View

The ‘Gallery’ display preference will use thumbnails that you add to your option and arrange the variants in a more visual format, making it easy to see each and allow for click-select, as opposed to the standard dropdown. This is helpful for things like “Extras”, for model steps that load conditionally, or anything else that you may want to display more visually.

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Dropdown View

The dropdown view will display each variant you add (Or, “Answer”) , in a text format with a drop down box. This is useful for things like sizing, specifications of different components, or as a simple way to choose from different designs when used with conditions.

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